Blindfold Lunch

29 Oct 2021

On 29 October 2021, ROMA collaborated with Orbis to organize a Blindfold Lunch for our colleagues. This event aims to raise awareness of the challenges faced by people with visual impairment. Around 40 of our colleagues joined the Blindfold Lunch to experience a fraction of the daily challenges of those living without their sight. 
Kick-started by some interesting and practical Q&As and eye-care tips, our colleagues put on their eye masks and accepted two challenges including drawing self-portraits and having lunch to experience life with vision lost. Through this unique blindfold experience, our colleagues further understand the importance of protecting their eyes, while learning to care about visually impaired persons worldwide and how we can lend a helping hand to make their lives better.
ROMA is pleased to support this meaningful event and is happy to witness that our staff have benefited from this event by gaining invaluable knowledge. We look forward to participate in other charity events in the future.