10th Anniversary Cocktail Party

27 Nov 2018

2018 is a milestone of Roma—we have gone through 10 years! To mark this special moment, we held a cocktail party to celebrate with our clients and friends on 27th November 2018. It was an incredibly stunning and memorable evening as 300 of our honoured clients came to cheer for Roma. 
Our chairman Mr. Ken Yue delivered a speech at the cocktail, saying that not only has Roma grown remarkably over the 10 years, but has also expanded its capabilities such as credit and risk, auction, ESG reporting, and securities services, etc.
Since established in 2008, Roma has globally served more than 450 listed companies and over 1000 private firms. We wouldn’t have reached this far without our clients. We are sincerely grateful for the great support and trust all the way along, and looking forward to celebrating many more decades and creating a more prosperous future for our clients and partners!